

Sticky plastic pieces, smeared shiny with the innocence of residue's hands, lay scattered
In that sterile room of plastered eyes and smiling photographs.

                                            The smiles fade with hesitant footstumbles to find

A writhing clump of snakes:

Thumping and straining, they lay glistening upon a starched white membrane,
                                           Gasping through the trickling of time's long tears
Tinged with the tainted water of leaking hearts,
                                        They solemnly await the clicking of their crooked pieces apart


The box of perplexing passageways flickers to a stop, tears drip dry, and time melts away.

Marta Frieda Hart



I remember
The peals of sweet laughter
 The playful gleaming of eyes locked in intellectual combat
When the steadfast doors towards pulsing vitality opened without a key 
I remember
The soft white ceramic canvas of your neck
The wisps I would tenderly brush off your cheek
When your bashful eyes flicked upwards as I held you near 
I remember
 The slapping of our wrists as the frenzy of licking every bowl and spoon consumed us
The intrigue of danger that left our lips curling in awe
When we gazed into the oven as if we were within the blazes waiting for the timer to tick
I remember
The timely hours where there was no such thing as longevity
The world ahead of us pounding upon the earth under our soles
When we were entrapped in imagination's impervious vice of life simply for life
I remember
How you keeled over in humorous delight as I fell with you
The stale smoke of bitter perfume rising from our chests
The time when there was a we and no me
I remember...             

Marta Frieda Hart


Oil and Water

Your skin is left on my pillows
All the while I am sniffing them
And pretending to be apathetic

Oxygen and nitrogen surrounding me
And they flow into my mouth as though
Being sucked through a cheap red straw

Here I dreamt I was free, yet again
Breathing air through my whole mouth
And kissing you with both lips

But I am eternally a glass half empty
There is no thing as a whole person
Like oil and water, we mix only when shaken


Anna Belle Lee