
Meines Nachgesang

Fisches Nachgesang
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Christian Morgenstern

Meines Nachgesang.
Like a fish I'm slipping away.
The current's pulling heavy, fast and hard.
Unlike a fish, I'm sinking through water:
Green like sea glass.

I'm flailing on dry land.
Drowning in the open air.
Why am I melting through the sand?
Losing control as every inch of me is banned?

Unlike a fish, I have no tail.
Only a twist of weighted limbs, indistinguishable, defiant, incompliant.

I am no creature of legend nor fantasy but I consider
myself to be a Mereperson of sorts.

Marta Frieda Hart


Red and Blue I fear you.
Flashing, slashing, bashing what was me. Endangering what will be.

I careen away from being, seeing, hearing.
And you're still there.

Flashing.                                         Flashing.                                          Flashing.

It's time for me to screech with your sirens.
Let me escape.
But I can't run...


He has me pressed against the cool refrigerator door.
His hand on the safety of his hip.
Knife tilted precariously on the counter.
Badge proud on his breast.
Words bubble nonsensically across the surface of my jolted lips...
                                                       to break with the pills scattered across the floor.

I'm at a stoplight, present.
Blinding my eyes with my hands, hoping to pass you and your flashing.

Blue and Red I wish you were dead: merely a twinkle in the far-off sky.
But here I hit the pavement...

Today you are free of pretentions and accusations.
And I have seized the day that the men in blue pretended to care.

Marta Frieda Hart


Kein Gedicht...Mehr eine Art von Geschichte

Eine kriechende Stimme schreit zum gestörten Himmel. Sie kann alles noch nicht verstehen, erfassen, oder kapieren weil sie solche eine Sache immer bevor nicht gesehen hat. Und sie hofft mit ihr ganzen Herz dass sie nicht die Unglück hätten wurden, um eine andere Situation wie diese überleben mussen.

Aber sie weißt dass kleine Freude zu ihr nimmer mehr kommen werden.

Im Panik, sie lächelt und sagt,
 „Freundliche Grüße, Herr Bekümmernis. Wilkommen in unse-...meinem Haus.“

Ihr Herz ist voll von Traurigkeit, Ihre Augen sind aschetrocken.
Die Tränen haben nur Leerheit zurück belassen.

Und alles, dass sie denken kann ist,

„Was nun?“

For all of you lovelies who can't read the German language, I know it might seem silly that I posted this here, and even sillier for me to suggest that you try to read it anyway to get the feel of the rythm and stuff. Just in case you are feeling left out or curious and really want to read it in English, one of my friends suggested I translate it, which was brilliant! So I did just that. Word of warning: this poem was written in German for German and it's meaning is better in German and the language is better in German and it's crafted better in German. (I'm not saying my German is mistake-free...I'm sure there are plenty in there...I'm just saying the English version isn't very artistic...)Enjoy!
Not a Poem...More a Kind of Story

A screeching voice cries out to the disrupted skies above.
She can’t yet understand, grasp, figure it all out because she has never seen such a thing before.
And she hopes with her whole heart that she won’t have the misfortune of having to survive another situation like this one.

But she knows that little joys will never come to her again

In panic, she smiles and says,
“Friendly greetings, Mr.Grief, welcome to ou-…my home.”

Her heart is full of sadness, her eyes are ash-dry.
The tears left behind only emptiness.

And all that she can think is,

“What now?”

Marta Frieda Hart



Heavy tresses in the insoluble recesses of the mind seek

They are

                        A     mass     of   brambles,
                               gnarled,     frosty-glowing,
                     whispering   to  a  night
                                                full of     angel-devils 
                           they    twist upon         themselves
                                                        and       extinguish in the     darkness.

They are

Yet they are thought.

Marta Frieda Hart



Beware the falling scents of tear-stained, blood-curdled sky.
Today the human touch is a grenade twas once cuddly soft.
Screeches erupt from not far off, their source unbeknownst.
Tread softly, my chickens, for apprehension is in the air.

Marta Frieda Hart


Holy Terrors

Hello little gnomes drilling for oil amongst my vast wasteland of neck.

I feel you gnawing deep 
 But have
 Left                                                To offer.

Sticky black tar is all that remains.
It clings to me in lumps as you slide down my crooked spine.

Everything is gone.
Your shovels took my coal. Your hammers struck heavy blows.
There is no more beauty.

A shroud covers my eyes.
A dullness enters my mind.
You sit in your boats, propelling through the muck that was once my brain.
Your greedy hands have smudged it up.

Blast you and your dynamite, your massive numbers, your ‘Implementation’ plans.
Look at what you’ve done.
Look at who you’ve hurt.
Was it worth it?

Marta Frieda Hart


Catty Mouse

As I clean our room one eve
I stumble across a letter sleeve
Although it is his, I cannot leave…
Inside this laid a peculiar motive
One that was particularly devoted
The letter told a story of a boy and girl
Who decide to give “free love” a whirl.
They would be together when close by
But when away, gave others a try
And as she writes this to my lad
With this proposal, she seems rather glad
Although the letter is charming, in it’s own right
I cannot help but feel it rather contrite
And try as I might….
The catty woman still fumes in me
Waiting to be unleashed and free
Upon the boy who I happen to see

I continue on the letter, curious of it’s end
The young lady suggests they follow the trend
Of free love and joy, like the girl and boy
I feel my shoulders shiver and my brows furrow
I burrow my frown deep in my face
For it simply is not my place to be upset
Yet, my eyes glance at the final words
“With love,” I gasp two words in thirds
I hear the rumble of his steps up the stairs
And in a final thought, I wonder if he cares
Still for her as she to him, and this
Brings my boiling blood to a brim
“Do you even care about me?”
I hiss at him, and clearly in his face
Is remarkable surprise, and although
I see sorrow deep in his eyes
I continue to glare as if
HE was unfair

“Of course I do.”
He mumbles in reply.
Yet the cat in me cries,
“You lie! You lie”
But I simply give him a frown
And push my eyes down
To the floor where we stand
Instead of his face or hands
Which come to my sides
then glide my cheek to his chest
And with this I must confess…

I am a mouse.
Who knows this girl and of her beauty
In body, mind, spirit and soul
And my own character is a hole
In this I feel hopeless and collapse
Into the arms of my guy
Into suffering and with a deep sigh
At my own fault…
For jealousy does not love
It makes me the prey, a victim of insecurity
It shows my lack of maturity
It makes me ugly, yet proud
Loud and yet unheard.
It bursts from me without cause
Vicious as claws, and tightening jaws
And yet in each spit of spite
I am a mouse, who with all my might


 To feel


To feel


To feel


To feel

To feel

And when my lad kisses my head
I know there is nothing left to be said
That my catty nature is appeased
And my little mouse is pleased
That I am wanted, cared for a more
I know this must be true to the very core
Of my boy who gives me a grin
Genuine and sweet
And greets me with a kiss on my cheek
I blush and return the smile

I think I will stay with him for a while.

Anna Belle Lee


Let's Get Fucked up and Die

Author's note: I apologize for the explicit nature of this poem. For any committed readers out there, do not let the cuss words themselves deter you from reading, instead I hope you understand the importance of their influence in this piece.

What more are we than muscle, bone and tissue?
Motivated by hormones and misplaced sperm
And what purpose do we hold more than
Bunnies bouncing back to breast and then to die?
Then what is life if not a massive fuck and die vortex?
Falling, flailing, struggling, sailing, prevailing in no way
What else is there than the
Crescent evanescent and decline of the sublime
Acute ability for servility and incivility
And I try
Sure there is more than fuck it?

Give me a higher purpose. Fuck for God!
Fuck for the bunnies, and unpredicted death
Fuck for the hormones and misplaced sperm
Fuck for the long dreary days and lonely nights
But what more than to fuck?
In the sucking muck bullshit
What purpose other than the death
Trudging and budging my way through existence
Monotony, monotheistic, monochromatic masturbating bullshit.
Make me feel more than fuck it!

Give me higher purpose and desire steaming fresh
On a plate spray painted gold and gussy shine.
I’d be lying to deny
That I didn’t want to be held and meld
In the dying arms of another
They do in romance movies…
But what is more fun than sex?
For we are imbued to be screwed
And to be prude is quite surely rude
For those in the mood of “love.”
So let me get fucked up and die.

Anna Belle Lee



We are different yet the same.
We both aim.
You fire, I frame.

Your eye is pressed against your scope.
My lens flashes as your soldier falls.

We have orders to hit head and chest.
You- literally.
Me- to provoke thought and strike that place we call the heart.
I strive to capture the desperation and send it to pretty home where it will
Blow up in their faces.

It is a blur of sights and sounds that I bring into focus.
You scurry about urgently, energetically, but your eyes are dull.
I know mine are too.
I see you glance at me.
We try to lift eachothers spirits, though distant, we are comrades.

A disturbance rushes through the ranks and we're off.
It’s a flurry of excitement but it’s all the same.
Dirty blood smeared across solemn faces. All to hear is painful, endless noise.

We share a few questions, a few fears:
When will it end?
Will I ever be the same?
But I have one that ticks through my mind all the time:
This camera in my hand; is it Dead or Alive?

Marta Frieda Hart



People shouldn't have to fight just to exist: to see, to breathe, to live. Here I am suspended in my world of chaos with much left to conquer. I thought this struggle to control sinew, muscle, and bones was the exclusive source of my qualms until I realized that I’m often frustrated by trivialities. What irks me most is hearing the story of The Knight in Shining Armour, galloping about on his way to rescue me.

I do not need to be rescued. I am strong. I've fought many a battle and I've slain my fair share of dragons. I am not shallow; my wounds are deep. There is a javelin thrust in my back, a sword through my stomach, arrows have grazed my throbbing skull.  I'm in danger of bleeding out.

But they expect me to sit here daintily waiting for him to free me.
That will not happen.  
I don't need a knight in bloody armour. I want a damsel in distress.

Marta Frieda Hart


An Abysmal Anthology

I collect buttons.
Shiny, beautiful buttons.
It's surprising how they pop off, unnoticed, scattering in multiple directions.

Easily forgotten.
They wander along and come to a sudden stop.
Until I pick them up.

Green, Orange, Yellow, Black, Turquoise.
I find them; I give them life.
I turn them into cat toys.

Somehow I've lost my buttons.
I'm not sure what happened.

They must have rolled away
To some obscure corner.

They probably gather dust
Sad and Alone.

I collect buttons.
Now they have gone into the abyss.
My poor, shiny buttons, I do miss.

Marta Frieda Hart



Fruit falls, cracking from the sky.
Not yet ripe; it was thrust into the world. 
Now it lays open upon Autumn's cold concrete.

Wind rushed, passing it by.

Marta Frieda Hart



Master of the Sky.
Feathers rustle, muscles ripple, wings glide.

You peck out my eyes.
You tear my flesh.
You suck the marrow from my bones.

I scream, I cry, claw at mottled skin.
But I am powerless.
You leave me lay, a breath from death,
You let me heal so that You another day can come to prey.

Here I am.
Deformed and pained, never to be the same.
There You go.

I want to, in my arms hold curved beauty of power and strength, bend it with my will
And bring You down
To my level.

See you quiver instead of watching me tremble from Your lofty heights.
I want to crush Your delicate bones.
Smell sweet, damp, dark dirt welcome You into its deep caverns.
I want to make sure that You will never hurt me again.

But I can't.
We are linked.
If I were to strike the Mighty Falcon down, I would severe my ties with the skies.

When You pluck me from the earth, with Your razor claws piercing my back;
 For a fleeting moment, I feel the wind on my face, wiping away my tears.

Then, when You decide it's time for me to plummet;
It dances through my hair and cushions my fall.

It is this bit of beauty that helps with the pain and guides
Me through when You decide I must suffer again.

One day wind and prey will unite, and Oh,
My Mighty Falcon, won't You be in a terrible plight!

Marta Frieda Hart


Let Them Burn

Craned forward on the 1990’s couch
Cat rubs on your back, he purrs
Bury your face in your shaky hands
Something in between your legs
Feels dirty, so gross, so torn
Something in your aching head
Feels longing and forlorn
And creeping into your mind

Is the thought

Hot, oozing flesh, baking sweat
Chest to chest, neck to neck
Grinding back and forth

The timer goes off

Rushed air and desperation
You let the cookies burn
Preoccupied, the timer is beating
Rushing for this fleeting
Feeling of completeness
For this sick greeting
The emotion of togetherness
You know you’re not it

But it’s worth it

Sometimes cats and cookies
They aren’t enough
So you let them burn

Anna Belle Lee



My forever and

Your forever

Have decided

To co-habitate

At least

For awhile.
Anna Belle Lee

There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

A chicken sits alone in the forest.
He is finally free.
The only free chicken
In all the country.
This chicken cries.
No tears fall from his eyes,
But plenty flow
From his heart.
First these are tears of joy;
He is finally free from the place of
Cages and Knives,
Free of seeing his kind forced
To lay egg after egg.
Then they turn to sadness.
In his freedom
He has no clue,
On what it is he should do.
He has no family.
No one else of his kind is free.
He scrambles back and forth,
To and fro,
He lifts his wings, ready to go.
But, though light, his feathers weigh him down.
For he, a free chicken, has lost the instinct of flight (They had taken it)
 by claw
                                                                                      he carries on,
 And when he yet again begins to feel glee at being free,
He runs smack dab into a tree.
At this precise moment 
Our free chicken realizes he has 
No head,
 They had taken it, left him for dead.
Though he is free, 
 He has no place to go.
Alive, helplessly alive, he
Will never feel what it is to know.
He wishes in vain that he had been
He is the only one free.                                                                                 But he is chained.
And we are the ones to be blamed.

Marta Frieda Hart


Little teeth flash greedily.

They twinkle and twist, diving in.

Blood, endless blood, drips.
It drops, falls, cascades, flows.
Swirling into chaos and confusion.
It fills shiny vials,
Leaving nothing behind.

I am pale.
I am weak.
I am bloodless.

My eyes are wet. My heart is angry:
I want to hear screams, feel pain that is not my own.
Now the needles are gone and my hands are bloody.
And I am left waiting.

I have hope.
But mostly I have fear.
I don't want more emptiness.
Tension rises, my chest falls, my hands shake;
I hope this time the needle breaks.

Marta Frieda Hart


Es Zieht

A note from me: This little snippet might be hard to follow, and natürlich, as happens when mixing two languages together, it is probably full of multiple grammatical errors and wierd ways of thinking. I've been highly fascinated by 'es zieht' ever since the moment I first learned it. I just really like messing with words and their meanings in general, so...enjoy! 

Es zieht. That means "There's a draft," but translates directly to "It pulls."
Although seemingly strange, this is quite logical if 'it' refers to the air.
~It pulls the door shut in my room.~
However, when not confined to the concept of wind, there are endless possibilities.
When examined from multiple identities, it pulls a lot in my life.
Well, actually... Alles zieht. (everything pulls).

Ballet pulled me- it was a good pull. That was my life, my love, my career of choice. Then my health (or lack thereof) pulled me from ballet. But I had other options and passions, so it was okay.  Now my Krankheit threatens to pull those from me, and it pulls hard. I can't study if I can't read, can't converse if I can't speak, can't write if I can't move. All very difficult for a language major.

Bicycles can make even a limited person feel light and free, fast, fun...edgy. I am so grateful that I discovered this. But I fear that I'll have to say goodbye to my bicycle. I wonder if one day (perhaps soon), I'll be forced to accept the confines of a different kind of bicycle. (Der Rollstuhl).

Above all, I fear that IT (the big it, my all-consuming it) will pull me down.  We don't know what it is. But we know that it pulls. And it stinks (wie Scheiße).

Marta Frieda Hart



You are a computer
Calculating, processing
Telling no lies
You are a fact
Not a fantasy
In you I see
a tragic truth
But you are
a happy priority
You are
a demolition specialist
That planted in a time bomb
In my chest
I can hear it
Clicking, ticking, kicking
Waiting for it to blow
Time is running low…
You are a doctor
That will not promise me
You promise
A magnificent now

Anna Belle Lee 


If I were a peach,
                      my pit would be split;
                                             the seed partially exposed.

There would be no stones.        

Marta Frieda Hart


In Elation

The Sun, shining a bleary light-bright onto leaves
which reflect a yellow hue melting into the sky that is an evanescent blue.
Wind like water carries my mind into an ocean of thought.
I lay with you here in our suburban jungle listening to the wind chimes.
“People like sad more than they like happy.”
The air is a cool crisp but the sun gives birth to sweet heat
While all that sounds is the fading rustling of trees
And the soft plucking of those spoiled
 Fingers on your ukulele.
 Our fingers now intertwined like ancient jungle vines
And I breathe, a deep sigh.
 “Because it is something to talk about. It’s more interesting.”
The air falls silent except your whisper behind those closed eyes
“But I like happy.” 

Anna Belle Lee


I Am Real, So Do I Exist?

I am real.
I am blood and bones and nerves.

Sometimes I wish I were only spirit.
Free of limits; free of pain.

But I am bound by Earth.
Beautiful Earth.

Its stones sting when I fall.
Its tiniest hills morph into mountains I cannot assail.

I am hurt, yet do not bleed.
Somehow that is hard for others to believe.

Oftentimes we feel trapped behind boundaries,
Some not even truly our own.

I already have mine: bound by a body that cannot do its task,
But that is not where my limits rest.

Their narrow minds refuse to grasp
That which a name not yet hast.

So here I stand, or sit, or fall, and always suffer;
Waiting for an answer, a clue, some relief.

I know I am real.
So too is my pain.

I feel it in blood and bones and nerves.
All they feel is disbelief.

Since they cannot understand it or classify it,
Then of course it cannot exist.

Marta Frieda Hart



Human erosion:
The general process
Of deformation
worn out
By skin
 By our
 and flesh
clammy white
 a smooth liquid
                                                            The shut down
Depressing; however,

Anna Belle Lee


Memories of a Stranger

In life, memories are built on repetition and significance. I remember school because I went there every Monday through Friday from seven in the morning to three in the afternoon.  In those halls I can recall the distinct smell of processed food and sweaty pre-teens. I can still see those carpeted floors that looked, and smelt, of throw up. I can recollect disliking my gym teachers as they watched us running our miles while they stuffed themselves fatter with popcorn and ice cream. (It was hypocritical). I don’t specifically remember days unless they are important to me. I can still remember the day John kissed me. I remember when Sandy and I got in an argument over whose feet were bigger (mine were).
            Summer was always different than the other season because there was no routine. Well actually, I always managed to establish a routine, but it was at least different than the one I had grown used to over nine months of school. In the mornings, I would sleep.  In the afternoons, I would go to the library everyday. I’d get home by dark and mom would make dinner and then I could watch television. 
            The library was a sort of sanctuary. It wasn’t more than a couple miles from home, and I could easily walk there or bike there everyday. It didn’t cost money, unless I had over-do books.  Outside of the library was a small pond that I could sit at with Sandy or John and just hang out. It was a public library, so it was a pretty safe place, especially in our cozy suburbia.
            Every time I was at the library, I felt mature. Of course, I wasn’t, I was only fourteen, but the feeling of independence was what strove me to go there everyday. I mean the books were entertaining to read, even educational, but those weren’t half as alluring as the idea of freedom, adulthood. I got to go there when I wanted, do what I wanted there with whomever I wanted. There were no forced group projects or required class times. The librarians even separated the parts of the library out from Children’s books, to the “Teen” section, to Adult. I didn’t have to deal with some bratty kid screaming bloody murder and I didn’t have to listen to the dreary discussions of the Women’s Book Club (when I say “discussions, I really mean gossiping). In the Teen section I could find books at my level of reading and hang out with people of my age.
            It was rare that you would see a child in the adult section or an adult in the teen section, but those things happened from time to time. I remember one day Sandy and I went to the library together and as we wandered into the Teen section, there was a man just lying on the sofa. He looked middle aged. He was white and blond haired, though his hair was thinning. He looked plain. His arms were crossed and his legs rested on the armrest. His head was angled upwards. Through a pair of glasses, I could see him look at us as we walked by him. He said nothing of course. If I remember right, that was a late Saturday. Sandy and I went to the library later that day because our parents had gone on a double date night and we had nothing better to do.  Sandy and I had sorted through various books, she came out with six heavy reading books and I had come out with two decently sized ones. Sandy was always a much more impressive reader than I was. When we came back to the sofa, the man was gone.
            “That guy was kind of creepy,” Sandy laughed quietly.
                        “I know, he was just staring at us.”           
            “I know.”
That was really all either of us had cared to say about the matter. As we checked out our books, I noticed that the sun was getting low on the horizon. Checking the clock on the wall, I noticed it was already eight-fifty and the library was about to close. Sandy and I hurried up and left.
            That evening had a sky that was tangerine orange. It made my mouth water with a craving for the fresh oranges my mom had for me had home. Sandy and I stuffed our books into our backpacks. We walked side by side on the pavement as walkers and their friendly dogs passed us by with their tails-a-wagging. The air was warm, but I could almost taste a crispness of fall that blew in with the wind. Crickets and cicadas played their insect symphonies, but otherwise, the air was silent.  As I was walking, my mind was wandering. I wonder what classes I’ll take this year, I can’t believe school is about to start, I haven’t seen John since-
            “Anna,” Sandy elbows me in the rib and I grunt. “Anna, that guy from the library is walking behind us. “
            I open my mouth to speak, but with a clap I closed it. I don’t want him to know that I know he was there, or that it bothers me. I feel like it would be rude of me to point out. Instead, I looked at where we are. The sidewalk is dimly lit and now there is almost complete silence. The sky is now a plum instead of a tangerine, and there are no more friendly dogs. Only Sandy, the stranger and me. Suddenly I feel a quickening pulse in my chest, my red alert going off in my brain. I figure if my brain and my heart both tell me something is wrong, then something is wrong. I grab Sandys hand. I feel that this will comfort her, but better yet, it will comfort me.  Well, the real purpose of it is to keep us together. I hold her hand tight in mine and she holds tight back. At least we won’t get separated
            Of course, I was only assuming that he was some sort of evil man.  A twisted pervert that was out for our virginity, that’s what he was. But he could have also just been coincidentally going this way to get home. Maybe he had a sweet wife waiting for him at home, or hell, maybe a cat. Either way, he could have just been a normal guy on an evening stroll and I could have been paranoid.
            But I wasn’t.
The only thing I can hear is our footsteps. I hear six feet and I need to hear four. I look down at my feet and synchronize my steps with Sandy’s. His feet and ours are the only sounds left on those dead streets. His are coming closer and closer, louder and louder and all I can think is that this is the most anti-climactic chase seen ever.  My head is otherwise buzzing with the whispers of adrenaline at the beat of an increasing heartbeat. I know it can’t go on like this, he is getting too close now, I can hear his precise breaths almost on my neck now. It was fight or flight.
            The next thing I know I’m jerked forward and I’m running. Sandy is a step ahead of me.  We don’t let go of each other’s hands, we grasp tighter than ever and I swear that the circulation is being cut off in my fingers, but that’s okay because all of the blood is going to my heart and my legs and my lungs. I’m trying to listen for four feet but all I can hear is feet scrambling. I stumble over a crack and about I’m fall on my face, but Sandy pulls me back up and I’m still alive. Finally I build the courage to look back. I don’t see him, but I can hear him. I can hear his breaths. He is breathing fast. He might be running, but his breath is also fading. I still don’t feel like he is far enough.
            I look forward and can see a light not too far in the distance. I know we weren’t close to home, but we were still in the neighborhood.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I run blindly towards it, without a second thought about what it was. Sandy is beside me, when I look back. the stranger is gone. I’m thinking now that we’re going to make it.
It seemed like hours passed by before we reached that light when it probably wasn’t any more than five minutes. We reached the light, which turned out to be a grocery store, and went inside. Breathlessly we asked the clerk to use a phone and she gladly let us use one (“Oh honey, you can have anything you ask for, just take a sit down”).  I’m sure nothing is more unsettling than seeing two girls who look like they saw some sort of Boogey Man. She looked at us with a sort of eagerness in her eyes, a curiosity for gossip. (I’m sure she would have fit in well in the book club). I called my mom.
“M-mom, could you please pick us up from, where are we…Safeway?”
            “Anna, we’re in the middle of-“
But she heard my shuttered breaths and knew something was wrong.
            “Please, mom, some guy was f-following us and we’re scared.” I didn’t hesitate to tell her, I didn’t care if some old nosy woman was watching my face like a damn television. I was mortified.
“What-why-ugh,” She pauses and sighs, “Okay we’ll be there soon, sweetheart. Stay where you are.”
After that night, my mom said that I couldn’t walk home from the library after six in the evening, after four in winter. I didn’t complain. Every time I went to the library after that, I kept my eyes open for the man on the sofa, but I never saw him again. I felt like going into the Teen section was more like going into a memory, just one memory. All of my other memories of the library had been scarred. All the repetition was crushed by what was significant and I couldn’t see the library as a sanctuary anymore. Sandy and I rarely talked about that night after the first couple of days, both of us were eager to lock that memory away I suppose.  
But I can still remember his face. I can remember his plain face, his thinning blond hair and pale skin. I can remember the ghost of him chasing me and Sandy through the night, those breaths that nearly touched the skin on my neck. I can still feel Sandy’s shaking hands clinging to my own, our arms swinging as we ran through the night. Perhaps the event wasn’t all that significant, but as a teenager in the suburbs, that kind of fear is as real as any. Sometimes, it is difficult to bury the memories that are significant. Sometimes it is difficult to remember the memories of the repetitive and routine, and sometimes, your only sanctuary is you.
Anna Belle Lee

I am Afraid of Becoming the Crazy Cat Lady

Alone – E.A. Poe
“From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.”

There is something about being alone that is a truly beautiful thing. Now, when I say “alone” I do not mean lonely. When I am alone, I am often walking over long trails in the twilight, my head stirred in thought. When I am alone I can lay there, on my bed in silence and allow the silence to take me. To enjoy that kind of quiet is something I find most pleasurable about my life. To be alone is to enjoy a perfectly good book with your cat curled on you belly, singing a deep purr.  Being alone gives me space to grow. And lately, I’ve needed to grow. Perhaps these things make me a solitary person, but I don’t particularly mind. There is an ugliness surrounding the word “alone.” We often associate it with depression or social-behavioral problems. I will not go through the tedious job of defining “alone” for you, if you care to define a word you can easily Google it; however, I do wish to redesign the word so that perhaps it will take on a positive connotative meaning.
            I have come to find that being alone is something I CHOOSE to do, rather than am forced to. Such as, I have chosen to be single this summer. In this sense, I chose to be “alone,” but I did this because I wanted to grow. After years of emphasis on my romantic life, I realized that I need space to just be myself. I needed to grow as Anna, and not as Anna and Peter or Anna and Joey. I wanted to come out of this summer refreshed, independent and stronger than ever before. And I have accomplished this.
            I now realize that being alone is not a failure, but in fact an accomplishment. It takes a mature person to be able to be alone. It means that you’re comfortable enough with yourself to not constantly pursue social interaction or romantic interests (I am aware that when I say being alone is mature, that I am complimenting myself in a big way, but this is how I am going to get the point across. I reassure you that I am by no means smug). Regardless, there is a thin line between “alone” and “lonely,” something I’ve discovered more this summer than ever before. Let me be perfectly clear: to be alone is to allow yourself to grow with less help from those around you. To be lonely is to allow your thoughts to consume you and drag you into a pit of depression.  When I say lonely, I do mean depressed and socially underfed. It’s essential to understand our limits and allow others in when we are lonely, for we are truly social beings and our thirst for interaction must be quenched. But perhaps understanding that thin line is also a sign of maturity. Maybe I am overanalyzing these words and the amount of maturity I have satisfied myself with having. It’s difficult to say.
            Nevertheless, I have spent plenty of time on my own this summer, reaching many conclusive thoughts and yet, having so many more thoughts that still dwell my brain, restlessly. So I need more time to be alone, until those thoughts are appeased. With any luck, I will find myself one day pleased with myself and my growth, because, yes, I am afraid of becoming the crazy cat lady. Aren’t we all?

I am aware that I haven't posted in a long while, I have been suffering from severe writer's block. So, please forgive me if this is not my most eloquent piece of writing thus far.

Anna Belle Lee


A Backwards Glance Forwards

I look in the mirror.
Compared to the year previously,
This is not the same person that stands in front of me.
Not drastic, just different, nothing to abhor.

Skin pulled flat.
High cheekbones, not as pronounced, lead to
Lips, full and red, the same as before.
But now they go unnoticed.

Underneath the eyes lay sunken, flaccid skin.
Not dark circles, not what people would call ‘bags,’
I don’t know what it is I’m looking at.
I know it’s tired, I know it’s dark.

But that too is a subtlety.
Here is the difference,
Here I peer into an altered soul.
The eyes themselves, though silent, scream.

These eyes are endless- these eyes are flat.
I gaze into the depths and that’s all to see…
Before they sparkled, before they gleamed.
Now they stare indifferently, no curiosity.

Look closely and catch a chill, I can see in but nothing’s looking out.
Sometimes they wander wildly, at moments they go blank and motionless,
At those moments I wonder what image they portray.
I don’t know, for then is when I can’t look.

Frightened I turn away but those eyes remain.
A ghost of what they once were, the likeness haunts me,
Those eyes reveal a hidden unreality.
Funny how change can happen before you know.

Through the looking glass, my soul had fled.
With the looking glass, I found a broken husk.
At the looking glass, I scream, "Will I notice when all is gone?"
The looking glass dissapates; leaving me incapable of reflection.

Marta Frieda Hart



Lightning Bug.
The name itself is just exciting.
Nature.  Power.  Unpredictability.  Flames in sky.
You see them and think beauty.
Unknown beings.

You see their flash and think peace,

You see a
Cat leaping in the air, trying frantically to catch
Just one.
At moments, all four paws are outstretched in different directions.
A funny sight when the lights go

Dedicated individuals,
Smart spirits.
Floating, they send messages.
That is what their lights are.
I don’t think they get enough

‘Glow Worm’
Sometimes we even fail at giving proper names- worms don’t fly.

Children crush their corpses,
Smear ‘war paint’ on their grinning faces.

What has this world come to?
Our unnecessary necessities mix their messages.
Headlights and streetlamps pollute night air
A poor bug can’t find his love amongst
The ‘brilliant’ chaos.

Nature trumps manmade.
So why are we inadvertently killing
These innocent messengers?
They are beautiful, they are powerful.
Yet we snuff their

It shall be a sad day when the fires cease to fly.

Marta Frieda Hart


Steam Engine

Shovels usher coals.
Flames welcome them into their warm embrace.

The engine breathes in: shutters, shakes.
This engine steams, now ready to roll.

Smoke plumes drift.
Skies beckon them to their lofty homes.

The engine is still rusty and old. But
This engine is capable: full of power, not pain.

Everything is there.
Surroundings remain; yet they accept new diversity among them.

This engine is not trapped in a body of steel. It's no longer
The engine that struggled up the mountain.

Trees watch silently.
Sun & stars give it their strength & perspective.

This engine sees the beauty in what had become its hard labor.
The little engine that could is now the one that can.

Marta Frieda Hart


Bumper Sticker

I realize that all of my posts so far have been quite lengthy...
I wasn’t sure if you would find that to your liking, so I decided to shake it up.
I saw a bumper sticker. It said I don’t need a higher power, I have a cat. 
Just something I considered share-worthy.

Marta Frieda Hart


Thought's Path

So…after the last one I decided to go for something a wee bit more lighthearted and not as structured. I shall go for strange ramblings meant to sound both deep and intelligent that might actually make me appear slightly untalented but nonetheless eccentric.
Something strange happened as I walked home the other day. Gravel crunched beneath my feet as I nibbled on a butterhorn, allthewhile wondering if I should’ve spent my money on the $1 kohlrabi instead. I imagined taking a bite: its flavorful juices invigorating my taste buds as well as my mind- It’s been 6 years since I’ve had kohlrabi. I realized that oftentimes the mind wanders to strange and unexpected places as mine fled from that topic to something more confounding. I found myself thinking of beauty and love. Surprised, I sifted through my mind to decipher why I had breached this unusual topic. Well perhaps the topic itself is not unusual, for it is present in every aspect of life…however what made it unusual is where my mind ran with it. 
This week I’m entranced in the fantasy fiction that I reveled in during my middle-school-years. I’ve been turning each page with excitement, pondering every aspect of the books, and searching for any meaning I may have missed. What does this have to do with beauty and love? There’s quite a bit of that in there, so I drew a connection and figured that was the catalyst. Now for my thoughts on the topic…okay, deep breath, here I go with this whole sharing thing...
No one has ever fallen in love with me, or even found me attractive. I’m not trying to paint the ‘oh woe is me, I’m ugly’ picture because that is what I’m trying to stay away from! It pains me to see others get ideas in their heads that they aren’t good enough, so fear struck me as I discovered that my thoughts sounded pretty dang self-conscious. But still they couldn’t be stopped.
 There was a boy on my 6th grade track team who revealed his crush during a game of truth-or-dare, and 3 creepy old men who hit on me and my sisters when I was 15, despite that, nothing. Oh wait there’s one more, and this is most touching: there was a boy in special-ed in 3rd grade who I played with at recess, his name was Ryan. On Valentine’s Day he gave me a huge handmade card in the cafeteria. But that is all I’ve ever known of other’s attraction to me.
Once, in Germany, a group of unruly boys on the train told me that I was ugly. Not just once, but multiple times, and they kept sharing their opinion with everyone else misfortunate enough to sit within earshot. So what did I do? Why, what anyone else would do: I bestowed upon each of them a thousand curses and then leapt from my seat, dagger in hand, blood splattering wildly. The locomotive stuttered to a stop, the last boy fell with a dull thump, and I dashed out the door and onto a train headed for Berlin. My apologies, that is not the truth, just the fantasy books taking control of my head…
But back to my train of thought (hahahhaha did you see that connection there? Witty, right?) There has been no love, no romance, not even a flicker of attraction, and the why puzzles me. I don’t know if it’s because I guard myself so heavily, or strike people as the beginning of a crazy old cat lady, or something else.  I see beauty everywhere, sometimes I’m embarrassed by what I notice and how nervous such beauty makes me, and I wonder if nothing happens because I just don’t seem to match up to that beauty.  Well, enough of that.
That is the strange thought that crossed my mind, surprised me, and sent me forth with a desire to build my self-esteem.  The next moment as I passed a fresh flower peeking at me in the sun, my mind wandered to the next thought: if I pick this flower would it be considered stealing? Or murder? Could I get in trouble? Would the flower be mad? Such are the intriguing ways of the mind, and I continued along my path, without a flower in my hand, for I had not the courage to take it, for fear it was not my right.

Marta Frieda Hart


A Lethal Combination

 These bones they ache.
Against the Earth they quake.
With tears I shake.

                                 I might be a million...
                                                             Perhaps I am ageless.
                                I am a new mind, old soul, weathered body.

                               I was young- I thought this made me strong.
                                                    Yet I am weak.

  Poised Solemnity:
I smiled as if there was nothing there.
For people to see was my greatest fear.

I aimed for calm perfection, a solid face.
Yet I felt sadness and pain leaking from me...
a poisonous mace.

                                  My Eyes.
                                                 I kept them down...
                                                 Yet I looked up.
                                                 For I was strong.


                                  At nineteen, I was old.
               Forced to know decades of pain
                                       from youth to my grave
                      No In-Between
                                     Rites of passage did not exist.
                     Only a never-ending list
                                              Of what to do
                                              What to take
                                            How to survive
          Why struggle through life yet yearn to die
                            has god turned his evil eye?
                     My young mind pounds against its cage
                 Why? was it given this meager wage:
                                 An instrument of possibility
                          Shackled by my health's limited ability.
                      Health this is not health
                           Life this is not life
                                               My Eyes
                                            are stuck open
                 half my body suffers its common paralysis
                    yet, suddenly, the shackles begin to crack
                                     my tomb is broken open

                                            I AM WEARY,
                                            LET ME REST.

Marta Frieda Hart